Form One student comes out tops in peace poster contest

(From left) Yong, Chan and Wong looking at the entries for the Peace Poster Contest.
Lions Clubs International District 308B1 has selected the winner of this year’s Peace Poster Contest.
Coming out tops in the competition is Wu Gin How from Foon Yew High School, Johor Baru.

Lions Peace Poster champion Gin How’s entry.
The Form One student will be representing District 308B1 in the next stage of the contest.
In view of the Covid-19 pandemic and conditional movement control order, the prize presentation ceremony was held virtually.
Professional judges David Yong, Maggie Chan and Mint Wong were earlier given the task of selecting the top entry.
Popular among schoolchildren, the contest was carried out smoothly despite the many restrictions which came with organising the event in schools across the country.
Sixty-eight Lions clubs took part in the contest that saw 115 entries.
District governor Kenny Low Man Fook, in his speech during the ceremony online, highlighted that Lions Clubs were committed to serving children and youth.
“We encourage the formation of Leo Clubs in schools and organise many youth programmes to develop the nation’s future leaders.
“Every year, Lions Clubs organise the Peace Poster Contest to promote peace through art and this is also an opportunity for young children to show their talent in art and express their vision for peace.
The contest’s district chairperson, Moon Lim, expressed her gratitude to all the participants, from schools to the students’ parents, as well as Low, other Lions members and the judges.
She also thanked the Lions members who sponsored trophies and contributed in other ways to the event.
“We are grateful that we are able to continue to promote peace through this event, ” she said.